Following on with my de-cluttering plan for the new year, I've started off this month by tackling my wardrobe. 
Out of everything that I own, I find my clothes the most difficult things to sort. Sequined dresses are packed away just incase, items for potential halloween costumes are stored away (even though I haven't gone out for halloween in about 6 years!) and red velvet skirts saved to be whipped out at Christmas. I just can't let go! I've pulled together a plan that will hopefully lead me on to a fresh, clutter free wardrobe, hopefully they can help you too!

Change the way I store my clothes:
By following the Marie Kondo method of folding and storing my clothes in drawers, it's really helped me to streamline my them, 1000 black tops don't all fit when stacked neatly in a line and so it's really helped me to prioritise and organise my stash.
I've also invested in a clothes rail from Ikea, new copper hangers and drawer dividers. Keeping my clothes minimal, neat and clutter free makes the whole area look a lot more appealing and makes for the ideal dressing area.

Organise into piles:
I've found it best to gather all of my clothes into three piles; Keep, Maybe, and Donate/Sell. I place the Keep pile, which consists of clothes I wear every week, new clothes and clothes I want to make an effort to wear more back into my drawers and closet, the Maybe pile gets stored in a box. This way if I miss anything too much I can always pull it back out again, if by the end of the year I haven't missed anything, then I can go through it again and donate most of it! Lastly the Donate/Sell pile gets sorted out straight away and put up on depop/ebay or whisked off to the charity shop so that I can't change my mind!

Be Ruthless:
Try things on, wear them for a day - are they comfortable? Do they make you feel good? If not, then give them to a better home, someone who will enjoy and appreciate them!

I've found that planning a shopping trip or a cheeky Asos haul (this LBD is such great staple!) can help me to part ways with some of my pre-loved but no longer needed items. If I get rid of 10 pieces, selling and donating, then I can treat myself to a new item that I'll make sure I love and get a lot of wear from.

How do you de-clutter your wardrobe?

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