January for me is a time to get organised, with a hint of motivation in the air, it's the perfect month for fresh starts, clear outs and straightening things out for the year ahead. With plans this month to adopt a more minimalistic approach and to declutter my surroundings ready for the new year, I've pulled together a list of my plans to help me along the way. I'm also tempted to pick up The Life Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo this month to give me that final push to part with most of my unworn pieces from my wardrobe!

1. Invest in a planner/diary/wall calendar:
During the last part of 2015 I printed out a calendar to note down my blogging schedule, life updates, errands and things to do/buy. Having the month completely mapped out really helped to up my productivity and kept me so motivated. I found that planning in advance helped me to prioritise and get organised, plus, using metallic pens to write down events was so satisfying to do each month (the little things!).
Along with a monthly calendar printout, I find that keeping a daily diary really helps to keep everything organised and close to hand. This makes it the perfect place to scribble down ideas, current favourites, things that your grateful for, songs to listen to, TV shows to check out, make up to swatch, appointments and to keep track of your health and fitness. 

2. Have a digital detox:
After backing up and transferring any keepsakes to an external hard drive It's so rewarding to have a huge clear out your laptop. My photo's have racked up to the thousands and my desktop is feeling a little cluttered so it's high on my priorities to do this January.
Organising documents into neat folders and deleting any unwanted apps, items and photos can really help to clear your mind and get you set up ready for the new year. I'm planning on compiling a folder of my favourite photos to print out as soon as possible, Kate Spade and Paperchase have some beautiful photo albums at the moment!

3. Get into a routine:
I work best to a schedule and whilst some days I throw everything out the window to go exploring or to lay on the sofa all day and have a Harry Potter marathon, most days I stick to it quite well.
My schedule includes everything from work to Netflix, I make sure to schedule in exercise, rest, work, hobbies and TV to keep me motivated, normally working to a reward. I also try to schedule an hour of 'me time' a week - whether it's time colouring in my Harry Potter colouring book, melting into a Lush bath for an hour or having a long skincare pamper. A routine for me is key to staying productive.

4. Plan Meals
A sure-fire way to save time and organise your evenings is to make a big list of all your favourite foods and signature dishes and then plan your meals for the week. I do this on a Sunday evening, making a note with daily meals and inspiration for the week ahead before taking to Ocado (who price match most products to Tesco and so are surprisingly affordable!) to buy the ingredients. Shopping online not only saves me time but it helps me to stick to a shopping budget, there's less time for procrastination (no distracting, tempting cookie aisles), no stresses of supermarket shopping and it lets me spend valuable time on other things.

5. Make lists/Invest in some new stationery:
Not only does an array of dreamy stationary and pens (I love everything here!) motivate me to keep lists and stay organised, list making helps me to prioritise and let's me note down any exciting plans, goals and ideas. 'To do' lists are ideal to keep on track and organised, I love keeping wish lists, to buy lists, meal inspiration lists, ideas lists, errands lists and shopping lists!

How do you keep organised?

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